I LOVE weeks when I get to scrap till my heart is content! I want to show off my three new layouts along with links to these great kits... hope you enjoy... lets go!
I started with make a layout of a quote I've always loved.
I used the Handsome Little Man Kit by Crescent Moon here's a preview of that kit
Here's the
LINK to this bundle (psst!!!!! it's ON SALE)
I also enjoyed scrapping with a kit designed by Mags Graphics... the layout is of my Great Niece... she's in Korea and enjoying her NOT so ordinary Life
this is the kit I used... as you can see it would be great for YOUR not so ordinary life also....
Here is a
LINK for the kit I know you're going to jump at....
and last but NOT least one of my favorite layouts of my Great Niece (of course it's easy to create great layouts of her... she is SO pretty and the camera loves her)
I used the Beauty Is All Around Us kit by Lisa Rosa Designs Here's a view of that kit...
pretty kit isn't it. Here's the
link to snag it...
Thanks for reading and.....
Until I scrap again.....
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.