Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October Starting Off With A Bang...

I've already been enjoying great kits this month and it's only the 16th!  Here's a peak into some of the great kits I've used and my layouts... If you get a chance swing on by the designers shop and look over their wares.. I've had a great time scrapping with the following kits -- I love this time of year don't you... the colors... aaahhh. Makes you want to scrap.

This is a layout of my Great Nieces (Kellie and Anna) and Great Nephew (Ben) works of art last year on Halloween.  They did a great job didn't they?

I've got to admit I loved her pumpkins in this kit.  Awesome work!

This is a layout of my Husband on a trail in north Georgia.  It was a lovely day and because he's gone through so much with cancer treatments... I thought this was an awesome quote for him

OH and look at those leaves I used out of this kit... not to mention those lovely papers...
With my Little Man getting up there in years I wanted to go ahead and make this layout now so I could enjoy it with a smile instead of sadness.... I love you Little Man...

Now you have to admit this is one of the cutest little Halloween kits you've seen right?                          
 I enjoyed this kit so much I made two layouts... These are two of my Great Nephews and two of my twin Great Nieces (yes!  I have 2 sets of Great Nieces... twins run in our family)...

and believe it or not.  I will scrapping at least 3 more layouts this month!  I love a month like this :)... see you later on in the month.

Until I scrap again.....

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
